What does the conversion to VerzekeringsInzicht mean for you?
Have you taken out an Income Categories Package via Vanbreda Risk & Benefits? Until 1 January 2023, this is administered by Ecodass Insurance Services, after which it will be placed with our Proxy Office NLG Verzekeringen. Below you will find an overview of the most important changes that this transition entails.
Logo NLG Verzekeringen will appear on your policy schedule
With effect from 1 January 2023, we will place your insurance(s) with our underwriting company NLG Verzekeringen. As a result, from now on a NLG Verzekeringen logo will appear on the policy schedule instead of the Ecodass logo
For all your questions about the (financial) risks of your organization, Vanbreda Risk & Benefits remains your trusted point of contact. As your adviser, we think along with you about the risks you are willing and able to run and which you would prefer to cover. That was and remains so.
Your premium and coverage remain the same
The transition from Ecodass Insurance Services to NLG Insurance has no consequences for the premium and coverage of your insurance. We informed you about the premium and coverage for 2023 at the end of November.
Receipt of new policy
The transition to VerzekeringsInzicht has no consequences for the premium and cover as you received it in the grant proposal at the end of November. We will send you your new policy schedule at the end of December.
There are no changes regarding the invoices. You will continue to receive invoices from Vanbreda Risk & Benefits as usual. If you have issued a SEPA mandate, it will remain in effect.
Username and activation code VerzekeringsInzicht
Around 20 December you will receive a user name and activation code for VerzekeringsInzicht from NLG Verzekeringen. In connection with the security of your data, you will receive this data in two separate e-mails. The user name and activation code give you access to VerzekeringsInzicht and you can manage your insurance(s).
Deadline for reporting illness and recovery
From 1 January 2023, you must report sick in VerzekeringsInzicht no later than the second day of illness. This reporting period of 2 days also applies to reporting (partial) recovery.
Entry and exit of employment
You enter and leave employment within one month in VerzekeringsInzicht.
You report salary changes once a year.
Settlement of employment and salary changes takes place once a year with the subsequent settlement of your income insurance policies.
Recalculation / employee data
Your 2023 advance bill will be based on the information known to us about 2022. We will transfer employee data that we already have in the current systems for you. In the first quarter of 2023 (CORINA?), NLG Insurance will ask you to upload your employee data. This can be an addition to the existing data.
Due to the conversion, there is unfortunately a chance that you will have to read in the employee data completely once. You can do this in VerzekeringsInzicht once you have received the user name and activation code. If necessary, you can correct the wage bill for 2023 during the recalculation, and we will then adjust the advance bill accordingly.
Subsequent settlement
The subsequent settlement takes place in VerzekeringsInzicht once a year. In the first quarter, you will receive a letter from NLG Verzekeringen asking you to enter the details for the post-clearance settlement in VerzekeringsInzicht.
Data exchange occupational health and safety service
NLG Verzekeringen has made agreements with a large number of occupational health and safety services about the exchange of data. Soon we will place a link here to a list of occupational health and safety services with which a link is possible.
If there is a link with your occupational health and safety service, you only need to report sick or recovered in VerzekeringsInzicht. This report is then automatically forwarded to your occupational health and safety serviceGegevensuitwisseling arbodienst.